Puzzle Cubes
Puzzle cubes hurt my brain, but still, I'm fascinated with the various ways of solving them ... I thought it would be fun to make pdf cheat sheets...
I am not, never have been, never will be, a speed solver or a memorizer of millions of algorithms. I fumble my way through each and every solve, but I still enjoy fiddling with these toys! I've finally found a way of thinking that lets me solve certain cubes without instructions, but boy, they're nice to have on hand when I can't quite remember...
3x3x3 - aka Rubix Cube
This solution is widely available. I've rehashed it with my own graphics in this printable pdf.
Here's a link to the official Rubik solving guide.
Here's a cool site with wonderful graphics!
There are easier ways to solve this puzzle, but I haven't put together the pdf yet...
Downloadable PDF ...