Welcome to Casual Clicks
Kerry Sheldon

About this website ...
Casual Clicks began in 2006 as a home business in photo restoration.
Projects involving graphics, book/pamphlet design and other forms of digital manipulation, (mostly for non-profit organizations), are what drew my attention, so the little business evolved in that direction.
I do not participate on most forms of social media and so I created this website as a way of "putting myself out there..." (Plus, I wanted to learn how to use Dreamwever ... what better way than to try to build a website?)
Never figured out how to make Casual Clicks profitable but it's mine.
The site is a reflection of me...
Not flashy or sophisticated,
not even a huge amount of stuff, but still... stuff I've done...
From my LinkedIn page:
"My focus at this time in my life is staying home with my children and Casual Clicks allows me an outlet for the various creative endeavors that pique my interest.
I am not actively pursuing work at this time but when projects present themselves, I enjoy applying whatever skills that I have developed towards those projects."